Out of the cities, out of the cities!” she declared; “this is the message the Lord has been giving me. The earthquakes will come; the floods will come; and we are not to establish ourselves in the wicked cities, where the enemy is served in every way, and where God is so often forgotten. The Lord desires that we shall have clear spiritual eyesight. We must be quick to discern the peril that would attend the establishment of institutions in these wicked cities. We must make wise plans to warn the cities, and at the same time live where we can shield our children and ourselves from the contaminating and demoralizing influences so prevalent in these places. The Review and Herald, July 5, 1906.

A Call to the Country
We're Ernie and Kim. We lived in San Diego, California. For the past year and a half (2016-2017), we were thinking about moving into the country but never really looked into it because of various reasons. We've felt God was stressing a move to the country through numerous ways more and more . With a 6 year old and a 10 month old child, and one on the way, we made the decision on faith to obey the warning to God's last day people. We wanted to share our experiences as we take our journey. To God be the Glory!
“It is not God’s will that His people shall settle in the cities, where there is constant turmoil and confu-sion. Their children should be spared this, for the whole system is demoralized by the hurry and rush and noise.” The Adventist Home, p. 136.2
All that needs to be done cannot be specified till a beginning is made. Pray over the matter, and remember that God stands at the helm, that He is guiding in the work of the various enterprises - CL 19.5
"Be blessed and be a blessing"